The number one question home sellers ask (based on my unscientfiic observation) about how to sell a home to an investor in Richmond Virginia is
How does this work?
Hoes does it work to sell my home to investors?
So let me tell you.
Start with a Free Phone Consultation
Most home sellers will start with a free phone consultation with a professional home buyer like myself.
We listen to the details of your situation and why you need to sell your house to a professional home buyer.
Maybe your home is
- outdated
- ugly house
- stinky house
- inherited house
- one with too many repairs to make
- falling behind on payments
There could be a variety of reasons.
We find a solution to selling your house to an investor
When we walk on the phone and learn about the details of your house and your situation, we custom design a solution.
That solution might be
- All cash offer for your house with a speedy closing.
- Help you arrange to sell it with owner financing and start collecting payments.
- Take over your existing house payments or mortgage payments.
- Refer you to our short sale specialist.
I’m happy to discuss your situation and pricing need to help you sell your home to investors in Richmond Virginia, or any of the surrounding areas.
Your next step
Pick up the phone and give me a call at 804-804/719-1489 during normal business hours, Eastern Time US.
I’ll either answer the phone myself or get back to you within 24 hours.
Or fill out this form, and I’ll call you when I’m in the office. Â Please make sure your phone number is correct: